We do not employ healers ourselves; the NHS or Hospice does,
on a fixed term contract with full terms and conditions with funds donated from our charity.
Our unique Healing in Hospitals and Hospices training is a prerequisite to approaching a hospital if the therapist wishes to access funds from our charity. Knowing how and who to approach has helped many healers to make the intitial approach in their geographical area.
Once the therapist has made the initial approach we then pick up the possible project and liaise direct with the hospital/hospice. Once agreed the recruiting hospital advertises the post.
So what does the Hospital or Hospice do following the approach from a healer?
NB: We
need to be contacted direct by the Hospital or Hospice (H/H) following the visit from the healer.
♥ We will then request to visit the H/H to see how and where the therapist will be working with
♥ The therapist must be able to work in an integrated way with patients, relatives and staff
♥ A minimum of 6 patients must be seen per day (30 minute sessions)
♥ Once we have agreed the project we will donate funds into any suitable NHS or related fund
♥ The vacancy will usually be advertised on NHS jobs website or internally if appropriate
♥ The therapist will be given an NHS fixed term contract
♥ The charity has policy, protocols and job descriptions available to govern Reiki / Spiritual Healing
if the recruiting centre requires this information
♥ Similar projects elsewhere are banded 4 or 5 within the Agenda for Change system
♥ The therapist will be required to wear a SBSHT polo shirt and provide us with quarterly reports
♥ Projects are a maximum of 15 hours per week for one year initially
NB: The therapist is not self-employed and will hold an NHS or Hospice contract once a project is agreed.